The Simpson Protocol
The Simpson Protocol is a process that allows the client’s Conscious mind to relax and step aside so that the Superconscious can work freely and completely -to the benefit of the Client’s optimum outcome.
This takes the Hypnotist’s conscious mind out of the equation and allows the client’s own mental assets to do the evaluation and the change work from within. This is a much purer means of bringing about an accurate and correct change for the specific issue in each client and is client-centered which empowers the client.
Holistic Approach
Simpson Protocol is a complete Holistic approach to Hypnosis, allowing within the session the possibility of a complete change and outcome for the client, and giving them the emotional and mental foundation to move forward in life.
This Protocol also famously takes the hypnotists judgment completely out of the process – so the clients ‘higher’ mind is free to produce the best and optimum outcomes for the client. The Hypnotist can create no harm, as the Clients ‘Higher” mind guides the process completely.
Ines Simpson started to experiment with working in this deep level of hypnosis and discovered an effective way of communicating with clients. For the first time, the hypnotist can converse with the client’s deepest mind to discover what the true issues are and to direct them to do what is needed to achieve the best results possible.
Today we can now communicate directly with your Superconscious mind and direct it to release the issues that are holding you back, keeping you down, and not in your best interest or benefit.
Maintaining Privacy
Another advantage using the Simpson Protocol is that through the proper questioning, direction and communication with the Superconscious mind, you do not have to verbalize the issue, if you prefer. It is a wonderful tool for people who are sensitive to privacy regarding the issue they are working on and are uncomfortable with verbalizing the problems that they want to deal with.
With the Simpson Protocol, you will be able to have unprecedented access to the Superconscious mind in order to help with physical healing, emotional healing, spiritual healing and soul retrieval.
Summary of Advantages
The key to Simpson Protocol is that the Hypnotist is able to communicate with their Client while they are in very deep states of Hypnosis (Esdaile for example) – thus accessing the most powerful parts of their mind – that always work for the Client’s ultimate good.
Clients do their own inner work with the direction of the Hypnotist to help them resolve whatever issue that is disturbing them.
There is no need for the Client to tell you the issue. Their mind knows the issue – and that is enough for the Simpson Protocol
This takes the Hypnotist’s conscious (and judgemental) mind out of the equation and allows the client’s own mental assets to do the evaluation and the change work from within. This is a much purer means of bringing about an accurate and correct change for the specific issue in each client and is client centered which empowers the client.
The Client’s own mind directs where and what will be worked on and does the work internally and privately when needed. This is a major benefit for many clients who don’t wish to expose their problems to anyone else due to privacy issues.
Schedule a No Cost 20 minute Consultation to learn more about The Simpson Protocol class and approval for attendance.